Don’t Settle For Good Enough

When you do what you love to do, nobody has to motivate you. Now is the time to take that passion and turn it into something that makes you happy. For so many of us, our professions are no longer an option. Now, is the perfect time to go from “good enough” to “what an amazing opportunity I’ve created for myself.”

Look at it this way…this is your time to “pivot.” Looking back over the last year, did you take a job just to make a lot of money. Thinking, that maybe you would do this for a while and then do what I was really passionate about later on. If that’s the case, now you have the opportunity to do what you always wanted to do. Don’t settle for what you think is best, face your fears and go after what you know is best.

I know this sounds cliche….”but, what’s your passion?” Cooking, Reading, Organizing, Editing, Marketing, etc. Take what you love and turn it into something that makes you wake up everyday with excitement and a huge smile on your face. If you’re passionate about what you're doing, you’re happy and that spills over into every aspect of your life. It also helps you get through the toughest of times.

In addition to traveling, one of my other passions is helping people. I am a 3x cancer survivor, and have always wondered why I’m one of the lucky one.

I have a story. One that isn’t easy to tell. But, one I know people can learn from. So, over the years I kept reaching out to different organizations to see how I could contribute. Finally, I found an organization that works with cancer survivors and medical students. I sit on a panel and talk to medical students about what I went through and how they can be more empathetic in their careers. I also speak to survivors. My story gives them hope. I share everything I know about my cancer and how to get through. I look at myself as an example of someone that got through, and a resource. I’m also just a shoulder to lean on when needed. I’ve turned some of the hardest times in my life into my passion project.

You can find your passion, and turn it into your reality so easily. Your passion doesn’t have to be serious, but can be light and whimsical. It’s your passion, and that’s what is should be.

Don’t settle for a life that is just good enough. Strive for a “better life” that expresses who you are. Go for it, and don’t be afraid of the glory that may follow.

Elizabeth Grillos